‘Do the best that you can do, be the best that you can be!’

SEN School Offer



Kingsway Primary School SEN Information Report for 2021-2023

Part of the Wirral Local Offer for Learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN). This is our school’s SEN information report. All schools aim to be inclusive for learners with all abilities and needs. The aim is to meet the needs of pupils with SEN and disabilities whilst being in a mainstream setting, where possible.


At Kingsway Primary, we cater for individual needs of all our pupils, personalising the support we put in place when it is needed. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, behaviour or well-being, please speak to your child’s class teacher or make an appointment with Mrs Cooke (school Special Educational Needs Coordinator, or SENCO) to discuss your concerns. We provide support for all types of SEND across the 4 main areas of need: cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health; communication and interaction; and sensory and physical needs.


1. How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

Our school assesses pupils in reading, writing, mathematics and science each term. Progress is measured and monitored with these assessment tasks and by the children’s day to day learning. Our Early Years teachers use their own assessment methods in addition to observing children’s skills in their daily activities. Teachers note if less than expected progress is made by individuals and monitor all children’s progress who are working below age-related expectations to ensure progress is being made from their individual starting points.


Teachers will then talk to the head-teacher and SENCO (special needs coordinator) about children in their class, including their progress, any perceived barriers to learning and behaviour in school. If we are concerned about a child’s progress, extra support will be put in place for the child and we will discuss this with you as parents/carers. Children who need extra support will be given interventions specific to their targets. Any children who do not make progress once accessing interventions, or whose needs are identified as more significant, will be placed on the SEND register. Parents are informed at each stage.


For children in our Early Years, we will use a different range of assessment tools including WELLCOMM for speech and understanding. The teachers in Early Years will observe and monitor children’s progress in each of the prime areas. If teachers have any concerns about a child, they will follow the same process as above.


If your child is new to our school, we will contact their previous setting to get additional information about their academic levels and needs. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, or suspect they may have special educational needs, you can talk to your child’s class teacher or school SENCO, Mrs Cooke. The teachers and SENCO in school will be able to advise you about your child’s needs.


2. How will the school and staff support my child?

Your child’s class teacher will:

  • Check on the progress of your child and identify, plan and deliver any additional support your child may need.
  • The teacher will inform the school SENCO and headteacher about progress and support offered to each child.
  • Write an individual educational plan (IEP), behaviour plan (BP), play plan for Early Years pupils (IPP) or a Health Care Plan (HCP) with specific targets for your child. This will be shared with you and your child and are reviewed every term. The reviews inform the planning for your child for the next term.
  • Personalise teaching and learning for your child as identified through their targets, providing the agreed additional support.
  • Ensure the school’s SEN policy is followed in their classroom.

The school’s SENCO, Mrs Cooke, will:

  • Provide guidance to colleagues and work closely with staff to ensure the best support is given to your child.
  • Liaise with outside agencies, staff and parents together to create a collaborative approach to supporting your child.
  • Coordinate provision for children with SEN.
  • Oversee operation of school SEN policy.
  • Manage any transition processes.
  • Work with teachers, governors and headteacher to provide reasonable adjustments and access arrangements.
  • Carry out book scrutinies and observations of lessons to ensure the quality of teaching and learning is high and is meeting the needs of the child.
  • Make any referrals to outside agencies or services in order to get the best support for your child.
  • Make any referrals needed for concerns about specific needs, e.g. ADHD, ASD.

The school’s headteacher, Mrs Holbrook, will:

  • Provide day-to-day management of all aspects of school, including support for children with SEN.
  • Ensure your child’s needs are met.
  • Keep the governing body of the school up to date with issues regarding SEN.
  • Review staffing structure regularly, ensuring that adult support is in place where needed.
  • Ensure the budget for SEN is distributed to the appropriate places with the best possible support given.

The school’s SEN governor, Mr Stenhouse, will:

  • Ensure support is given for any child with SEN.
  • Support and challenge the headteacher and SENCO with regards to SEN.


3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

If a child is identified as having a SEN, we will provide support that is additional to the differentiated teaching and learning taking place in every classroom. We aim to provide support to allow the child to overcome their barrier to learning and to ensure their educational and well-being needs are being met.


When we provide the extra support, we use the ‘plan, do, review’ approach. A plan is created after discussions with parents and any outside agencies; the plan is executed and then reviewed. Any changes which need to be made and then implemented and parents are informed.


The level of support your child receives is dependent on their level of need.


We recognise that children are at different levels in their learning and learn in different ways. We reflect this in the way we organise our teaching and learning. We offer small group support and individual support where needed.


For examples of the interventions and small group support we offer, see Q10.


4a. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

We monitor children’s progress with assessments every term and their work in class. Class teachers will review your child’s individual plans each term to monitor the effectiveness of the support provided. Teachers will mark your child’s attainment against the national expectation for the year group. At the end of each key stage (at the end of Year 2 and 6) children are formally assessed as per the government requirement.


In addition to sharing your child’s individual education plan with you, we offer regular opportunities for parents to meet with class teachers and SENCO. We discuss your child’s targets with you and keep you updated on their progress. We will review the plans with you, explaining which parts may or may not be working. We also review any interventions your child may attend.


The progress of children with an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) will be formally reviewed at an annual review with all adults involved with the child’s education.


We will provide support to parents to assist with their child’s learning by sharing their targets with you and having regular communications about any specific issues. If you would like any extra tips or school work, speak to your child’s class teacher and they will be willing to provide this. Mrs Cooke will signpost parents/carers to any outside agencies or programmes running in-school which may be supportive.


4b. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

We will keep in regular contact with you about your child’s overall well-being and will highlight any concerns we have.


In lessons

We ensure teaching is inclusive and children with SEN are not isolated in any way. Children with SEN are provided for appropriately to ensure their self-esteem and confidence is boosted in lessons, celebrating each of their successes. We have teaching assistants which can support children with their well-being if this is necessary during class.



We support the development of positive behaviour choices and friendship groups to ensure children are not isolated or bullied. We do not tolerate bullying of any form. We have PSHE lessons which teach children about being a good friend.



We provide lunchtime activities and social skills support to ensure children are supported in building strong friendships. We operate a buddy system which means children always have someone to play with.



Our school’s behaviour policy has clear rewards and sanctions so children have firm and clear boundaries. Across school, there are the same rules and procedures so all children are familiar with them. We have a school council made up of pupils from every year group to ensure all voices are heard.


Named staff administer any medication which your child may need in privacy from other children. Each classroom has a special place to keep inhalers or epi-pens.


If teachers or parents are concerned about a child’s mental health, we refer to outside agencies for support. We have a CAMHs practitioner who comes to school every Wednesday morning and uses our Mind Hub (sensory/emotional support room) to support named children. All school TAs are able to take small groups or individual children to deliver a programme of support for well-being.


5. What specialist services and support are available at or accessed by the school?

The school receives support from the Educational Psychology service and SENAAT (Special Educational Needs and Advisory Team). We also receive support from Wirral Autism Spectrum Condition service, Elleray Park Outreach for Autism and Gilbrook Outreach for behavioural support.


We can make referrals to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), SaLT (Speech and Language Therapy Service), Leapfrog (counselling), bereavement services or any other county service which is appropriate to your child’s need.


Health provision includes school nurse, occupational therapy, CAMHs, vision support service.


6. What training are the staff supporting children with SEND had or having?

  • Named staff have received training in Team Teach, which is a behaviour support system aimed at de-escalating behaviours and dealing with more extreme behaviours.
  • All teachers have received training in Autism.
  • Bereavement training through Winston’s Wish.
  • Our school provide a wide range of English and mathematics support, with teachers and teaching assistants being trained in specialist delivery of aspects of these subjects.
  • SENCO attends relevant Local Authority briefings to keep up to date with any legislation changes.
  • SENCO and teachers can access support and training through our cluster of schools.
  • All staff receive appropriate training in SEN to meet the needs of the children in their class.
  • Mrs Cooke has completed the NASENCo qualification.
  • All teachers have had training in dyscalculia and Mrs Cooke has completed a project in line with the Maths Hub relating to supporting pupils with dyscalculia.
  • All staff have had training on epilepsy.


7. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

Risk assessments are carried out for every activity outside the classroom and where possible, provision will be made for pupils to access all areas of the curriculum including extra-curricular activities. We will always contact you before an activity planned if we think your child may require additional support to meet required health and safety standards. This may involve a specific risk assessment to identify the additional support needed to ensure your child can participate fully.


We are committed to providing the reasonable adjustments needed to ensure all children can partake in all activities wherever possible. Please contact us if your child has any specific requirements to extra-curricular activities.


8. How accessible is the school?

The school building conforms with Disability Discrimination legislation. There are no steps into the building. We make sure that corridors are as clear as possible. The school environment is calm and ordered. Where necessary, children are accompanied. We carry out risk assessments for any children with particular access difficulties.


9. How will the school support my child to join the school and how will the school support my child in transferring to the next stage of education?

New to Kingsway Primary School at the beginning of school

We will meet with parents prior to a pupil beginning school and allow parents to visit the school. Where necessary, SENCO will arrange for extra meetings and ensure support is put in place prior to their arrival. A graduated transition can be arranged to further support your child in the transition.


New to Kingsway Primary School during the child’s school career

We will allow parents and children to come to look around the school and allow a graduated transition where your child can come in for a morning only to support their transition. Class teachers will receive information from other settings about your child’s needs and what works well. If necessary, the SENCO can arrange a meeting with key adults in your child’s previous setting to allow an element of continuity, which is especially beneficial for those children who find change difficult.


Leaving Kingsway Primary School

We will allow children to attend transition days or mornings so your child can adjust and have an idea of what to expect in their new setting. We will provide the new setting with information about your child to allow continuity and provide specific information about what works well. Your child will have the opportunity to meet some staff at the new setting so the staff know a little more about your child. We will contact any specialist services that support your child and ask you to invite them to a ‘Team around the child’ meeting at your child’s new school. We also develop a transition plan with you and your child to ensure they enjoy a smooth transition. The local high schools will have regular transition days and visits to school for year 6 pupils.


10. Provide examples of interventions, equipment, resources that school may allocate to match children’s SEN.


Many of these interventions are run for all year groups so as to more effectively target gaps in learning. Not all these interventions run alongside each other and the intervention programmes happening at any time will depend on the needs of the children at the time.

  • Lego therapy – for developing social skills
  • 1:1 focussed reading
  • English interventions – to target reading and writing skills
  • Pre/post teaching – for English and maths to support learning taking place in the classroom.
  • Speech and Language – children who receive speech therapy will have a personalised programme for school to implement.
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL) support groups – to develop vocabulary for children who do not speak English as a first language (WELCOMM and Racing to English)
  • IDL and Nessy – literacy based ICT programmes
  • Specific iPads for individual pupils to allow for a differentiated curriculum
  • Additional phonics interventions with a teacher or TA
  • Chatty Bats – speech intervention for Early Years children
  • Bereavement support in the Mind Hub
  • Social stories
  • Friendship terrace
  • CAMHs workshops and groups using a Thrive approach
  • REAL project


  • Word banks, word walls, specific spelling words provided in English lessons.
  • Number squares, concrete resources such as dienes and counters in mathematics to support understanding of concepts.
  • Wobble cushions, fidget toys, task splicers to aide concentration.
  • Chewellry for sensory needs.
  • Any specialist equipment required for individual children as suggested by occupational therapy/health teams.


11. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

We adopt a graduated response to meeting needs. This means we record concerns about a pupil at a pupil progress meeting and determine a timescale for class-based intervention and the expected outcome.


We consult with you on this progress and if expected outcomes are not met, a timescale will be agreed to move out of class for a small group intervention for additional support. We review the impact of these interventions and additional support, and if appropriate, access further support from outside agencies.


We always plan your child’s support with you and in proportion to their needs.


12. How are parents involved in the school? How can I be involved?

At Kingsway, we value parental support in order to provide a collaborative approach to your child’s education. We aim to build positive relationships with parents, keeping parents informed every step of the way. We have an open and honest staff, who are committed to ensuring parents know how their child is doing in school.


If your child has SEN, we will review their individual education plan every term and share the outcomes with you. If you would like to be more involved in your child’s education, speak to the class teacher as they will be able to advise you on your child’s personal strengths and weaknesses.


We publish newsletters every month, ensuring parents know what to expect in the upcoming term and additional information is found on our website. We hold parents’ evenings twice a year to update all parents on their child’s progress but can offer additional meetings if you require them.


13. Who can I contact for further information?

We hope to resolve any issues with you directly, please let a member of staff know if you are unhappy with any of the support your child is receiving. If an issue cannot be resolved within school, then we will direct you to the school SEN governor, Mr Stenhouse, who can be contacted through the school office. If the issue still cannot be resolved, then the Local Authority will provide assistance and guidance to parents and school.


The school follows the Wirral complaints procedure.


This report details our annual offer to learners with SEN. To be effective it needs the views of all: Parents/carers, pupils, governors and staff.


If you have any comments, please contact Mrs Holbrook, Headteacher, available in school.


School SENCO contact: Mrs Cooke, available in school.


Our SEN policy is available on our website.


Updated October 2021. To be reviewed: October 2023.

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