‘Do the best that you can do, be the best that you can be!’

F1 2024 - 2025

Miss Wallace

Welcome to Team F1

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The adults who help us in Team F1 are:
Miss Wallace – Teacher                                     
Miss Wheadon – Teaching Assistant
Miss Ryan – Teaching Assistant

To keep up to date with the latest news and work from Team 1 follow us on Twitter @PrimaryKingsway and on Class Dojo.

In Team F1 we are always learning, whether it is during our focused carpet times or through our continuous provision. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage
statutory framework (EYFS) to support our children to build strong foundations for the rest of their academic, social, and personal journey through Kingsway Primary
School. The EYFS is split into three prime areas and four specific areas of learning and development, which can be seen below. Our Children in Team F1 engage in a
variety of activities, opportunities and experiences to consistently build upon their prior knowledge as well as learn new skills. In Team F1, we also follow the
Cornerstones scheme to support our children in building their early knowledge and skills.

In Team F1 our children engage in daily phonics activities that are incorporated into our continuous provision sessions. Activities are planned from the seven
aspects in the Letters and Sounds document. The skills the children develop are distinguishing between environmental, instrumental and body percussion sounds,
rhythm and rhyme, alliteration and oral blending and segmenting. Developing these skills sets the foundations for children to start to decode words when reading
and writing as they move up school.

In Team F1 we take our math’s objectives from the Development Matters document. The children use real objects to explore different concepts and progress
from concrete to using pictorial representation. We work within numbers 1-5 and develop a deeper understanding into what these numbers look like in many
different ways. We continuously revisit concepts to ensure our children are confident, fluent and master each mathematical skill and concept.

Autumn 1: 
The main project to start us off this term is Me and My Community. This supports our children with settling into the new rules and routines of our school
and encourages them to make new friends and feel confident in their class. It teaches them about being helpful and kind at home and at school. It also teaches
our children how they are unique and special, the importance of friendship and how people in their family, school and local community are important and can
help them. The mini project alongside this is exploring autumn. This allows our children to look at the natural changes that happen during the season of autumn,
including how the weather changes, why trees lose their leaves and how wild animals prepare for winter.

In Math’s we will be focusing on reciting numbers, 1:1 correspondence, matching objects and sorting by big and small.

In phonics for the first half term, we will have a focus on nursery rhymes. The children will learn new rhymes and their actions and sing them confidently with others. We will focus on four new nursery rhymes a week. This will be a mixture of new rhymes and rhymes the children have heard before.


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