Team 1 2024 - 2025
Mr Lloyd
Y1 Teacher
Welcome to Team 1
The adults who help in Team 1 are:
Mr Lloyd - Class teacher
Mrs Roberts - Teaching Assistant
Miss Buckenham - Teaching Assistant
To keep up to date with the latest news and work from Team 1 follow us on Twitter @PrimaryKingsway, @KingswayYear1 and on Class Dojo.
Reading is essential to all curriculum areas and we spend time focusing on reading every day. We use Read Write Inc for our reading lessons which consists of crafted units of reading and comprehension through high-quality fictionional texts which are tailored for each child's ability. Children use this to develop their letters and sounds whilst developing their understanding of vocabulary.
Children also experience the joy of reading through a daily whole class story. The class story time is a chance to come together around a powerful, relevant text that engages the children. In Team 1, we read a range of exciting stories including classic literature, fairytales and picture books which promote discussion.
Reading at home is essential. Reading books go home on a Friday and are returned to school the following week. Children will take home a book which they have been practicing in their groups that week as well as a similar book with a relevant topic.
Our writing lessons follow Pathways to Write, which is a programme of study designed to empower children to become confident and successful writers. The units of work centre on engaging, vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of both fiction and non-fiction writing opportunities.
Mathematics lessons follow White Rose Maths, which aims to develop children’s mathematical fluency and their deep, long-term and adaptable understanding of maths. The children can then use this knowledge and understanding to solve a range of maths problems. White Rose Maths adopts a concrete – pictorial – abstract method that enables all children to access learning and lessons are differentiated so that all children achieve.
To supplement maths lessons, we also dedicate time daily to practise fluency, focusing on recall and automaticity of known facts such as number bonds.
The Wider Curriculum
In Year 1, children are taught a broad and balanced curriculum that includes all of the National Curriculum subjects. Over the course of the year, different subjects are prioritised at different times to ensure coverage and maximum attainment in all areas. The curriculum is exciting, dynamic and has been designed to build upon the children’s prior knowledge.
Autumn 1:
This half term we will be studying Lost and Found, a fictional story written by Oliver Jeffers. This book is about a boy who finds a penguin at his doorstep and decides to take him home. Pupils will be putting themselves into the character's shoes a lot in this topic and will be thinking about how they are feeling. The children will also think about what they would take on holiday, creating lists and verbalising their explainations.
Throughout this book the children will be learning how to retell a story and will be orally producing sentences that they can recall from the book. Using the knowledge that they are developing in their phonics lessons, the children will compose sentences which have capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.
In maths, we will be exploring the numbers up to 10 and will be making them in a variety of ways using concrete resources. The children will be sorting the numbers, comparing the numbers and will then order the numbers throughout the hald term.
In science, we looked at everyday materials and we got to feel them and describe them. We looked at where we can find the materials in our everyday lives, especially in buildings and our home lives.
Our driver project is called ‘Childhood’ and we are looking at our past and what happens over time. We will look at games that children played with from years ago and have a go ourselves. We will analyse what has happened over time and speak about the differences between childhood in the 1950s and now.
In computing, we are learning about the mouse and keyboard and how to type our names onto a document.
In RE, we are learning about Harvest.